To combat the ever-increasing secrecy during hearings in British courts, it is imperative to campaign for court hearings to be recorded by the press and public in the spirit of accountability. This will eliminate most of the problems people are facing with judges and lawyers making statements in open court which are then denied at a later stage and court transcripts denied to interested parties to ensure that mistakes and corruptions are covered up.

Naturally, there have to be exceptions to the open recording policy, namely in the case of genuine national security matters or where an individual in a sensitive medical negligence case wants a hearing to be held in camera but such rulings should only be made by judges who have not taken the Crown Judicial Oath. This is another matter which needs to be addressed in that judges should swear an oath only to Parliament and the people not to the Crown. This change of policy would wipe out a huge amount of prejudice against people who have for years campaigned for justice against an entirely biased system beholden to uphold the power of the status quo. Would you be prepared to support a campaign for greater accountability in the courts along the lines suggested?
Civil Disobedience marches tend to involve the police and they almost always provoke violent incidents to ensure arrests are made of activists who can then be discredited in the courts and usually sentenced to lengthy jail sentences to put them out of action. We must be smart and evolve new tactics to outwit the forces the State/Establishment and by so doing stay in the business of meaning business to get the law changed!

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