Experian. - The Truth!!

Experian, the US credit database company, is now plying its evil trade In UK. If you dispute a payment with a large corporation, it doesn’t matter how just your claim is, the corporation’s computers automatically register you as a bad debt with Experian’s computers. The first you will know of it is you’ll be unable to open a business bank account, get a loan, credit card or mortgage etc. etc.

If you refuse to pay your council tax on the grounds there’s no democratic accountability any more, or councils are funding illegal EU Regionalisation, the court automatically records this with Experian, with the same result. If you apply for a job, more employers are now searching Experian, and Experian then keeps you unemployed.

If you’re hard up. Experian will ensure you stay that way, building the two class state of government and corporate "haves," and the "have not" proles. Under English Common Law Experian’s actions would have been libel and illegal; under the EU’s corpus juris, the little man counts for nothing; its government and corporations who have the power.

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