The Corrupt Judiciary


Do you think the cops are there to protect you from criminals?
Do you think judges are there to give you justice?
Do you think lawyers are there to protect your freedoms?
Do you think legal aid is paid to poor litigants?
Do you think bailiff's act honestly when evicting homeowners?
Do you think social workers are there to protect your children?
Do you think politicians are there to ensure your welfare?
Do you think local authority chiefs are there to provide you with services?
Do you think psychiatrists are there to guard your mental health?
Do you think the banks are there to make YOU prosperous?
Do you think the media are there to enlighten us?
Do you think teachers are there to educate ?
Do you think the armed forces are there to protect your security?
Do you think regulators are there to ensure all of the above stay in line?

If you have been reading and watching the complicit media for most of your life you likely have been brainwashed into believing all of the above, when in fact many are criminals or forced to act in a criminal way for their masters. They only get away with murder to protect the self appointed elite pulling the strings of their satanically controlled duped goons who act ONLY in the interests of the psychopathic madmen and women running the world while living in VAST OPULENCE.

You might also believe that the latest credit crunch is affecting everybody, but look closely at the facts and you will see there is a tier of privileged individuals who NEVER suffer during controlled recessions. In fact they PROSPER while millions struggle to survive the sudden changes of fortune brought about by the few at the top deciding to rein in the pittance they provide in sustenance to the masses primarily to stop any major dissent from their form of enslavement and tyranny . For centuries these few scum bags have been getting away with absolute murder turning generation upon generation of our forefathers into slaves for the ultra wealthy. Unless we stop them now our children and grandchildren will suffer the same deviant world they claim is some kind of civilized society. They have required a massive propaganda network to get away with this for so long, but by the day that machine is grinding to a halt in the mass exposure of the monstrous evil they have been getting away with.



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