The signs are EVERYWHERE

True (and painful) story:

I have a dear friend who’s worth a hundred million. Much of it in offshore banks.
(You’d never know it to look at him.) He was a big believer in asset protection. And became quite an authority on
the subject. A couple of years ago, he received a letter
 from the US Government basically saying
 “Tell us where all your money is.
 Do it willinglyand we won’t
make this hard on you.” He was intimidated. He
got scared (along with
14,000 other wealthy American
citizens) and he complied.
He spilled the beans and
 told them everything.
They didn’t believe him! They were
sure he had more. They froze his assets.
connected to. Couldn’t
 the money in offshore accounts!
(The US Government is SECRETLY
strong-arming offshore banks to cough up
the account holders details and do their bidding.) Now, his assets have been frozen for two, excruciatingly long, years.
Everything he touches, everything he makes, they freeze. He had to
sell his estate to raise funds and they froze them too. The shocking thing is
he didn’t done anything wrong or illegal! Maybe you don’t have $100 million. But the government is using every trick
in the book to subsidize the $16.2 TRILLION national debt. Your right to privacy, your right to legal protection from illegal search and
seizure under the Constitution, HAS VAPORIZED.

There is no more privacy in America.

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